Saturday night my family decides to watch a movie. I am reluctant of the movie choice. I get wigged out by certain types of movies and avoid them like the plague. But thought this one might be fine. But as I watch the movie I feel drawn to read a book that is on my shelf. I am like not reading that book now. It has been on my shelf for about 2 years now unopened. It a book all about building community. I'm not reading a book now about building community. We are in a pandemic hello! Self isolating. So I keep watching the movie all the while this book keeps calling me. Finally a part in the movie really bothers me. Like really really bothers me. Not like the whole movie had not been. But guess this was the straw that broke the camels back. So I leave and go grab this book and I start reading The Turquoise Table. I can't put it down. It is such a good book y'all. This woman is lead to build community and is wondering how to do that. So she buys a picnic table and paints it can you guess? Turquoise of course. Places it in her front yard and encourages her nieghbours to sit at this table. To visit with one another. Eat meals together. Build community. It is a table for community. I finish the book and think to myself. Why Lord why did you lead me to read this now? All week the thoughts have been running through my mind how does one build community during a pandemic and self isolation? Have you had similar thoughts? I have been wrestling with how I am dealing with being stuck inside and not seeing anyone. Other then my husband, two kids, two cats, and a dog. So I have been praying for myself and others. While praying and like I said asking the question how does one build community during a pandemic. Idea one came to me. Netflix Party My daughter gave me this idea. She had heard of this app for Google Chrome. Where you can watch a movie on Netflix with a friend while live chatting. I thought to myself, I'm in a women's bible study. I should plan a night of the week and do this till the self isolating is done. Love it. Then the other day I was out walking and idea two came to mind. Start a virtual book club on Zoom. It is a free site where you can video chat with many people at one time. My bible study group started using it this week for the first time it was great. 15 of us all on one screen. Great way to stay connected. So Tuesdays I have my bible stud, then Wednesdays book club and Thursdays movie night. Also trying to stay connected with all of my close friends and family. By the many technological ways we have available to us. So things are looking up. Tell me how do you build community in your life right now?
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