Wednesday, May 2, 2018

25 Ways You Can Help a Family With a Child Fighting Cancer

Good morning everyone! It is a new and beautiful day out there. I can't wait to take my dog for a walk. But I wanted to get a blog post up first.
A few weeks back I had been chatting with a friend and she suggested maybe there is a christian teen who is battling cancer and she is writing about her journey in a blog? Maybe it is encouraging and would be good for your daughter to read? So I searched and found nothing. Then I got the idea maybe there was books? So I searched and found two stories that looked like they would be inspiring stories of christian teens who had faced cancer. So I bought them. The one story I knew the teen died but was not sure in the other. Then it hit me what if in both books the teens die? Maybe I better proof read these before I give them?

So these last few days I have done lots of reading. In both stories the teens were so courageous. I admired how they faced there cancer. Such moving stories. The one about a teen boy was written by his mom. She poured out her heart on those pages. I think it was written 4 months after he died. Wow wonder how she did that? I would think that would be hard. But fresh in your mind so you can remember the details better. But it was graphic in nature. So thought to myself nope not sharing with Madeline. I'm so glad I read it. I had a little understanding of cancer but not fully. Now I understand way better. At one point in the story the mom offers up a prayer “Okay, Lord, you can have him. But if he must die, I want it to be for something big. I want someone's life to be changed forever.” God answered her in ways she could never have imagined. The mom had asked her son to write letters to people. But instead he wrote a song. It got published and became a #1 hit. Touched so many lives. The book is called Fly a Little Higher by Laura Sobiech. Here is her son's song.

The other book I just finished yesterday is Never Ever Give Up by Erik Rees. In this story there daughter was 11 when she was diagnosed with an inoperable and incurable brain tumor. The parents and their daughter were leaving the hospital right after an a initial visit. Were getting into the car to drive away when the daughter asked about all the kids they saw in the hospital. “when do the other kids get to go home?” The dad explained it depends on the type of cancer and their treatment. Some stay for weeks, or months at a time. Some stay the whole treatment. Daughter says how can we help them? She was determined to help kids fighting cancer. She got home that day and started making goodie bags for the kids in the hospital. Which turned into something big. They started making what they call Joy Jars. They will send them free to kids fighting cancer across the US and Canada. They fill them with t-shirts that say NEGU (never ever give up), toys, teddies, and who knows what all. It started small and now it is huge. She did so many amazing things while battling cancer. Like I said both stories so inspiring.

In the back of Never Every Give Up their was a section called 25 ways you can help a family with a child fighting cancer. I wanted to share those here. I think what great info not only for families fighting cancer but any major illness.
  1. Mow their lawn.
  2. Offer to babysit the other kids while one goes to treatment or medical exams.
  3. Fill up their car with gas, wash the car, and/or get the oil changed.
  4. Provide meals and/or grocery items.
  5. Offer to take family photos for them.
  6. Have a garage sale to raise money for the family.
  7. Buy fun hats for a child who is losing hair.
  8. Plant flowers in their yard.
  9. Offer to look after their pets or walk the dog.
  10. Bring activity books, sticker books, magazines, and kids' books.
  11. Write them a note to say you're thinking of them.
  12. Offer to drive siblings to activities.
  13. Offer to run errands-grocery shopping, dropping off dry cleaning, ect.
  14. Clean the house or give them a gift certificate for cleaning services.
  15. Bring them a “movie night” package-a DVD, popcorn, and candy.
  16. Decorate their lawn with encouraging signs.
  17. Put up or take down holiday decorations.
  18. Do yard work.
  19. Promote their Facebook page or any events in their honor.
  20. Take siblings out for a play day.
  21. Organize a closet.
  22. Help them sort through their mail so they don't lose track of their bills.
  23. Offer to make phone calls to their friends and family with important updates.
  24. Help them write thank-you notes.
  25. Order silicone support bracelets or stickers.
Great list. Don't know that we need any of this at the moment and not all would apply to us. But good to know when anyone we know is facing something hard. Here's a list of practical ways we can help.

As you know we are eating ketogenic. Friend said to me the other day Deborah would like to make you a meal but I don't know how to cook for you. Could you please let me know. So I thought I would post that here. One thing is we don't do soy products. Or I can't have whipping cream. At this point do we need meals? I don't know? Won't know what next week or the future looks like till we have had that surgery. You can always google keto recipes for ideas if you need or want. Click on the picture for it to enlarge.

Again thank you all for the love and support we are receiving. Your prayers mean so much to us.


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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you read books anyways for yourself care. Very encouraging. Nice to have keto list for if and when you guys need you can always ask.
